Vacation Sitting
Kennels can expose animals to various diseases, but what's more concerning is the feeling of abandonment that your crated pet could experience without the love and attention that they are accustomed to. When you hire me, your pet(s) get to stay at home, in their own environment and able to follow their normal routine, which I aim to enhance with plenty of exercise and complimentary training.
Your loved ones may also get the added bonus of becoming friends with my Medical Assist Service Dog, Jasper, a 2 year old Chocolate Labrador Retriever that makes friends with every dog and cat he meets and also assists me in training activities. Dogs learn from each other, if they see regular commands being done properly it helps make training faster and easier as they can clearly see what is being expected of them. Having a new friend enter your home also helps to distract your pets from the length of time you are really gone. Time flies when you're having fun!
Enjoy the peace of mind of having me look after your home as well! I'll bring in the mail, take out the garbage and recycling and make sure that you don't come home to any moldy surprises.
To check my availability or schedule a free consultation, email me at Jennifer.Glas@hotmail.com
Flight Delay Stress Reducing Policy - Should your flight be delayed by less than 6 hours, the extra time / extra half day needed will not be charged as long as you give me ample notice. I made this policy because sometimes flights and weather do not get along, this can cause you undue stress as you fear about the care of your loved ones during the delay, especially if the delay falls on food or walk time. Never have a moment of fear, you can text me if your flight is on time or not so I can ensure the extended safety of your loved ones. Should your flight delay be longer than 8 hours, each additional day will be charged at the regular rate.